Our Story

The Southern Olive Bite (S.O.B.) brand was born in 2017 after more than 30 years of rolling and serving them in Charleston, SC! Owners Brent and Lizzie Hamilton served these baked cheddar olives as a staple party food to rave reviews for decades. Made by Brent's mother, Idelle Hamilton, since the 1970s, these bites became a staple in their freezer and were constantly requested for impromptu gatherings and large parties.
Some years ago, friends encouraged them to consider making these irresistible bites available for general consumption. After several years of research, sweat equity, and creative insight from some super smart folks, the brand evolved!
A frozen food item, SOBs live in your freezer and are always at the ready to be pulled out as a handful or a bagful to bake and serve. They are the perfect bite to pair with a cocktail or glass of wine and they are a favorite item on buffet tables for parties of all shapes and sizes.
Baked cheddar olives have been recently named one of the best Southern bites by Garden and Gun noteworthy writer Julia Reed, as well as the New York Times food blog. Various recipes exist and these bites have been enjoyed for decades. To date, SOBs are one of the only commercially available versions of these prized treats. Lizzie and the SOB team spend time in the kitchen monthly rolling and producing them so you don't have to! Visit one of their growing retail locations or order for local Charleston delivery or 2-day UPS shipping.
SOBs ~ the ‘socially acceptable’ bite for hungry guests everywhere!